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If your e-commerce website generates over $1m online, we will discuss conversion optimization strategies to double your sales. 

Useful Tools and Links for Conversion Rate Optimization and Web Experimentation

This is our list of the most useful tools for conducting conversion experimentation. We’re not affiliated with any of the tools listed below. We’ll break the list into sections covering the whole optimization process: research, design, development, split testing and reporting.


User surveys, questioners, and forms ( Bare in mind, the main question we ask, on a post-purchase page is: “What was the one thing that nearly stopped you from buying from us?”):

Heatmaps + User video sessions


Designing websites / user interfaces that will later be implemented live web pages


Development tools really depend on the infrastructure companies use, most stores are on Shopify tho! We’ll list some common e-commerce platforms and landing page builders here:


Landing pages

Split Testing

Split testing tools allow you to conduct online experiments making 50% of the traffic see one variant and the other 50% see the other, here are some of the best tools for split testing we’ve used:


While we believe reporting should be done using your own designs, the very best tool everyone uses is of course:

These are the tools we use every day to conduct a conversion optimization program! If you have recommendations please reach out and we might try the tool if we get the chance.

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